Thursday, 24 January 2013

brief bone tool in CS6

Photoshop face
Make body with line tool and fill it, double click and make movie clip
Same with arm but bend the top line
Alt click and drag the arm to make part 2 of the arm and then make a hand and make that a movie clip
Alt click the top part of the arm and drag it across to the other side and then horizontal flip it
Create both arms
Do same with legs
Get bone tool and start from neck to the arm and make the bones by dragging from the ‘bottom’ of each tail on each bone down the arm
Click on ‘top’ on arm bones and tick the ‘constrain’ box and change the min and max movement to -90 and 90 on each arm bone
Make head (on its own layer) a movie clip and drag the bone tool from neck up to bottom of the head
On new layer make a ball above the head and make it a button. While inside the ball drag the up instance to the hit instance and it will turn invisible the drag the top of the head bone to the ball
Repeat steps for other arm and for each arm have an invisible button

Drag down two bones to legs and repeat steps in arms
For lower legs make the max+ only up to 45

Arrange legs and arms with ‘send to back’ and ‘bring forward’ to tidy it up a bit
Add frames to the timeline for the bones and make different positions for an animation

Basic edit in Premier Pro CS6 - tools

When making a basic edit:

Key points:

  • HDV 720p (what the video was filmed in)
  • Import video
  • Double click video to preview it
  • I = inpoint
  • O = outpoint


With the video imported, click insert, just to the right of the input and output buttons

You can also drag the video down onto the timeline

If putting another clip in the middle of the existing clip clicking insert will move it in between where the play head is but overwrite will delete any footage of the existing clip and replace it.

You can right click on the video on the left and remove in and out markers then select new in and out markers and drag them over.

The slip tool will move the in and out points on clips in the timeline but will go over what is already there.

The pen tool can be used to make a fade in and fade out


Using the pen tool click on the end of the yellow line click a timeline near the end and one on the end then use the mouse tool to move the end keyframe lower and it will give a fade out effect.

This can also be done with the audio.

If you want to separate audio and video you can right click and unlink.

If audio is going too high you can use the audio mixer to turn it down. The arrow tool can also be used to turn it down on the timeline.

3D text and tracking After effects CS6

Get text then go to composition settings - advanced then change the text to Ray-traced 3D and tick the 3D box on the timeline.

Go down to geometry options and turn up the extrusion  depth.
Insert a new camera from the layer tab and with the orbit camera tool rotate the text.

Now insert a light witch is right above the camera and edit the point of interest. Using keyframes on the timeline edit the point of interest's position as the timeline plays.

Import an image then change that image to an environment layer

Edit the reflection intensity and various other tools under the materiel options.

Tracking on video

First import the video and then go to animation - track camera.

Options will show on the left of the video, tick the detailed analysis box and turn up the tack point size.

Shift click on the 3 points and the right click one and 'create text and camera'

Double click the text on the timeline and repeat the steps before on editing the text here and remember to add the camera.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

3d spinning box in after effects CS6

I made a square and clicked the 3d box on the timeline. I added a camera to the timeline and duplicated the square then changed its colour, making sure they are box 3d I changed the position of the anchor point on the new square so the squares were side by side with the green arrow (Y axis) on the line between the two.

I used the rotation tool to rotate the Y axis on the new square so I had a right angle then repeated this until I had a box, using the camera tool to check it was correct.

I added a null object and placed it in the middle of the box and connected it to all the squares.

With this null object I made it 3d and on the timeline I animated the Z and X axis to 5 seconds after adding a keyframe to 0:00 on the Z and X axis. I brought down the timeline to 5 seconds and had a complete animation.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Editing faces in photoshop

The trick is to be subtle.

Get a picture of someones face and use the quick selection tool to highlight the head from the inside. and click the refine edge tool at the top

Tick the smart radious box and take that right up and change the smooth and feather until the image looks smooth and natural.

Make a new document and drag over the image you have cropped out. On a new layer give the image a gradiant background.

Now shift click both layers and press ctrl E to merge the two layers. Use ctrl J to make a copy and make a new layer in between the to layers.

In colour picker use the tool to select a skin colour from the face then hide the top layer and use the fill tool to fill the middle layer with the skin colour.

Select the top layer and select the healing brush tool. ALT click with the healing brush tool on the middle layer then show the top layer again. Use the healing tool to touch up a few details on the face but not too much. On the top layer use the eraser at 15% opacity to touch up a few mor details.

Now get rid of the middle layer and merge the two left.

Then use ctrl J to copy the layers two more times. On the middle layer use filter - gaussian blur and bring it up to between 6 and 10. On the top layer change the opacity to 75%.

Now the image will look great.